General Terms & Conditions of chargeable Events

Thank you for your interest in our event. We kindly ask you to read the general terms and conditions carefully. In case of any questions or ambiguities, please contact us.

1.      Scope

The following General Terms and Conditions govern the contractual relationship between the person participating at the event in question and the organizer. In the present case this entails Public Health Switzerland and, in some cases, other organizations as well. Deviations from these terms and conditions are only effective if they are confirmed in writing by the organizer.

2.      Registration

The binding registration takes place via the website and is confirmed in writing. By registering, the participants acknowledge these general terms and conditions as part of the contract made between them and the organizer.


3.      Service provision & participation fees

The participation fee listed on the website is to be understood per person and event date. Unless explicitly stated otherwise, the range of services includes participation in the respective event date, beverages during breaks, and, if communicated in the Program, interim catering. The organizer reserves the right to make changes, e.g., moving to a different conference venue, replacing announced speakers with others, and making necessary changes to the event program while maintaining the overall character of the event. Prices are in Swiss francs and are subject to change without notice.
Accommodation, travel, and other costs are not included in the participation fee, unless otherwise agreed.


4.      Terms of Payment

Unless explicitly stated otherwise in the offer, the participation fee is due for payment immediately upon receipt of the invoice. The invoice will be issued before the start of the event. The participating person must pay the contractually agreed participation fee in full, even if they/them isses the event, for whatever reason.

Adjustments and changes of address of already paid invoices as well as invoice splits will be charged with an additional administration fee of 50.- Swiss Francs per order. Payment reminders will be sent free of charge, with the 3rd reminder a fee of 20.- Swiss Francs will be charged. Subsequently, legal steps will be initiated.


5.      Cancellation by the Participant

Cancellation by the participant before the start of the activity must be communicated to the organizer in writing. For each cancellation, the participants will be charged the following proportion of the costs:

a)      Two-day Swiss Public Health Conference

-        Up to six weeks before the conference: 50% of the conference fees

-        From six weeks before the conference or in case of no-show: 100% of the conference fees

b)     One-day conference and national dementia conference

-        Up to 14 days before the conference: 50% of the conference fees

-        From 13 days before the conference or in case of no-show: 100% of the conference fees

c)      Half-day symposia or webinars

-        Up to 7 days before the event: 50% of the participation fees

-        From 6 days before the start of the event as well as in case of no-show: 100% of the participation fees


The risk of illness or accident or other unforeseen events will be borne by the participants. There will be no refund. If the participants are unable to attend, a substitute may take their place under the same conditions. This must be announced to the organizer no later than the day before the conference.
If the participants arrive after the start of the event or leave before the end of the event, there is no right to a refund.


6.      Cancellation by the organizer

If the organizer is unable to hold the event due to force majeure or for important reasons (e.g., official measures), the participants will be informed immediately. In this case, any participation fees previously paid will be refunded. Further claims against the organizer cannot be asserted. The organizer reserves the right to change the activity program or individual agreed services if unforeseen circumstances (force majeure, official measures, illness of speakers or safety risks) require it. However, the organizer will make every effort to provide equivalent substitute services.


7.      Conference documents and other materials

Conference documents and electronic data provided by the organizer are included in the agreed participation fee. The copyright to the respective conference documents or electronic data of any kind whatsoever shall belong solely to the organizer or, if so indicated, to the respective author or publisher.


8.      Image rights

By confirming the booking, the participants agree that photos of the event may be used for internal and promotional purposes. The photos may also be used by selected third parties for communication in connection with the event.  If they do not agree, the participants must notify the conference secretariat in writing.


9.      List of Participants

By registering, the participant agrees to be included on a list of participants with details such as name, function and employer, which were provided at the time of registration. The list of participants can be given to all participants for information purposes. If they do not agree to this, the participants must inform the conference secretariat in writing.


10.   Continuing Education Credits

If attendance is verified based on the award of credits and the individual is not present for a random spot check, no credits can be awarded to that individual.

11.   Liability

The organizer shall only be liable for damages suffered by the participant in the event rooms (hotel, conference venue, etc.) in the event of intent or gross negligence. The organizer is not liable for the belongings of the participant (wardrobe, training material, valuables, etc.). The respective house rules are to be considered.

12.   Data collection and data privacy

For the duration of the contractual relationship as well as for advertising purposes for other events of its own, the organizer may store and use the participant's personal. The participant agrees to receive information material from the organizer even after the contractual relationship has been completed. If they do not agree, the participant must inform the conference secretariat in writing.

13.   Applicable law/place of jurisdiction

The only applicable law between the participant and the organizer is Swiss law. The exclusive place of jurisdiction for all disputes arising from this contract is Bern.


14.   Organizer

Public Health Schweiz                                                
Dufourstrasse 30                                                        
3005 Bern                                                                     

Telephone: +41 (0)31 350 16 00                             

[email protected]